There are many temples under the leadship of the venerable Malagane Aththadassi Nayake Thero.
Kadigamuwa Sri Pushparama ancient temple is located in Kurunegala district in Bingiriya Divisional secretrariat. It is rich in several ancient archeolgical sources. It is located in Bowaththa-Kuliapitiyta main road. It is the only remained pothgul vihara which belongs to Kandy era. It is on timber pillars and named as "Sri Saddharma Poth Gabadawa". There is a historical notes relavant to the Pansiya Panas Jathaka Book in this Pothgul Vihara.
Elivitiya Sri Sudarshanarama Ancien Temple in Pallam Divisional secretrariat in Puttalam district is also a caretaker temple of Bingiriya Devagiri Viharaya.It was started from the properties of late incubent of this temple ven.Elivitiye Gunarathana Thero about 200 years ago.It consists of all the elements of a temple.
Karandawa Sri Shailathalarama Ancient Temple,in Panduwasnuwara west divisional secretariat in Kurunegala district is also a caretaker temple of Bingiriya Devagiriya temple.It was inherited from Venerable Karandawa Piyarathana Thero who was the Teacher of present incubent of Devagiri temple Ven. Malagane Aththadassi Thero.